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Running ACTDIAG commands from a batch file

Starting with version 14 of the Sage ACT diagnostics tool, ACTDIAG, you can now run some ACTDIAG commands via a command line interface. Using the server NT scheduler you can then have them set to run on a periodic basis.

First off, here's a list of what you can run via command line. Note, you need to run these on the server hosting the database in question.  This data is also on the help file for ACTDIAG, something I don't thank a lot of people actually look at and should.  You can see this same list by typing actdiag /? at a command line in the act for windows program directory.

General Guidelines.

  • A command can be entered with or without preceding / or -. Attach, /Attach, -Attach are acceptable.
  • The command line is not case-sensitive. Attach, ATTACH, or attach are acceptable.

Usage. The following examples show how to run database maintenance tasks from a command line.

  • Attach <database name> <complete adf file path> [optional-<complete alf file path>]-attaches database with or without log file.
    • Example: Attach ActDemo c:\databases\ActDemo.adf
  • Backup  - backs up the database.
    • Example: Backup ActDemo c:\Temp\Mybackups
  • Check - checks database for errors.
    • Example: Check ActDemo
  • Delete - deletes database.
    • Example: Delete ActDemo CAUTION: This is NOT recoverable.
  • Detach - detaches database.
    • Example: Detach ActDemo
  • Downgrade - downgrades a Premium database to a non-premium tier.
    • Example: Downgrade ActDemo
  • Flush - flushes the procedural cache to release memory.
    • Example: Flush ActDemo
  • License - purges the licenses from the selected database.
    • Example: License ActDemo
  • Reindex - reindexes database.
    • Example: Reindex ActDemo
  • Repair - repairs database errors. Example: Repair ActDemo
  • Restore , - restores database placing files in specified directory folder.
    • Example: Restore c:\temp\MyBackups\ActDemo.bak c:\Active_databases
  • RestoreAs , , - restores database with new name and places the files in specified directory folder.
    • Example: RestoreAs MyDemo c:\temp\MyBackups\ActDemo.bak c:\Active_databases
  • ? - displays usage information.

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827