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What am I doing this week? Quick lookups with ACT

Traveling for pleasure is an adventure - traveling for work, well, not always as much of an adventure.  I don't keep a  paper calendar anymore.  It's all on the computer or on my smart phone.  Yet, when I head out on a several day trip, I like to keep a paper copy of my details.  When you are on the road and once again either the GPS or your mapping program on the phone has steered you to a dead end, it is nice to have addresses near by.  Even more so it's good to

Friday Did You Know: iPhone battery fix

Recently, my iPhone battery started to rapidly decline.  In the past if I wasn't on calls, it would last a day or more with a recharge.  Now it was lasting an hour or two.  I figured I would have to go and get a replacement battery - and I've only had the phone a year. However, before I trekked down to the ATT store, I decided to poke around Google and see if there were some known issues with my 5C phone.  What I found was a software fix - and it worked like a charm.

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827