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GDPR - Why you need to prepare now

You have probably been hearing quite a bit about GDPR - the European General Data Protection Regulation. What you may not realize is if you have European contacts that you interact with and store their data, you need to understand how that can potentially impact you via heavy fines. The biggest point of GDPR is protection of personal data - at a much deeper level than is practiced in the US. An individual is in control of their data - not the other way around, even to the point where they should

Addins for Outlook missing - Act v20.1

Version 20.1 has resolved many of the Outlook and Act integration issues. Some residual side affects may still exist and after the update you may notice the Act addins do not show up in Outlook. Here's a fix for that: Close both Act and Outlook. Open a secure Command Prompt (right click on the Command button and choose Run as Administrator - or in Windows 10 choose Start Command Prompt - Admin) Change to the folder where Act is installed (cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows") Type

Having trouble connecting ACT and Outlook? The answer is here.

Act version 20.1 just released. Swiftpage rewrote the underlying Act and Outlook integration. And IT WORKS! Totally. If you are experiencing issues with Act and Outlook integration, you are not alone. Microsoft made sweeping changes to the way programs interact with Outlook. It broke many applications including Act. Act decided to change the way the integration works to remove that from happening in the future. If you are interested in hearing more about this, give us a call at (423)875-2652.

Outlook 2010 only opening in Safe Mode

Fixed this problem for a client and thought I'd post it here in case someone else is experiencing the same thing.

Per Microsoft:

December 8, 2015, update for Outlook 2010 (KB3114409)

After you install this update, Outlook 2010 may start only in safe mode. If this issue occurs, uninstall the update. This update is no longer available now.

How many contacts do you have in Outlook?

Worked with a client today about getting their contacts out of Outlook and into ACT. I asked them how many contacts were we talking about. She said she couldn't tell and did I know how to know how many contacts there were when you had many folders? Many of you already know we are IBM Notes users so I use Outlook only under duress so I told her "I think I know, but I will find out for sure." I sort of thought you just opened Outlook and the number showed up. Well it doesn't. So, once again

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827