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Act! Software Licensing issue

We have been notified today about an issue with the third-party software component that supports the licensing of all Act! versions between Act! 2005 and Act! v20. This may affect your ability to take certain common actions with the Act! software and your future ability to access your Act! database. First off, please see the official announcements from SwiftPage.  These are specific to the versions of Act! being addressed. For currently supported versions v19 and v20, go here.

Act! Licensing Software Statement - Act! version 18

This is the official statement regarding the third-party licensing software used in Act! and is addressing current users of Act! v18.   In accordance with the Act! Support Obsolescence Policy, support for your version of Act! - Act! v18 - ends on November 30, 2018.  After this date, no further Service Packs, Hotfixes, or compatibility updates will be delivered for Act! v18.x products, and you will no longer be eligible to receive support for any issues encountered with your

Act! Licensing Software Statement - Act! v19 and v20

This is the official statement regarding the third-party licensing software used in Act! and is addressing current users of versions 19 and 20.   We have recently been informed that an embedded third-party software component of Act! that facilitates licensing services is being discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of this year.  Because our records show that you are using a supported version of Act!, a new licensing component will be introduced for your version.  View the&

Act! Licensing Software Statement - Act! 2005 through Act! v17

This is the official statement regarding the third-party licensing software used in Act! and is addressing current users of versions Act! 2005 to and including v17.   Our records show that you are running an unsupported version of Act!.  In accordance with the Act! Support Obsolescence Policy, you are no longer eligible to receive critical updates and enhancements that ensure your product continues to run optimally. Important Notice: We have recently been informed that an

Act Backups and how they really work

This week we helped a client recover from a data loss.  However, it was not without some pain.  The data was not being backed up correctly so we had to restore from a really old backup copy. Responding to another question regarding data restoration, someone asked if deleted records could be recovered. The answer was yes but with a caveat.  There had to be a good working backup that contained the data that was deleted.  If the data had not been backed up then it could not be

Quotewerks Tip of the Week - Exporting Quotes to Excel

We're starting Quotewerks Tip of the Week blog posts and today's is about a trick a lot of people may not realize exists. Quotewerks has so much power it's easy to not know every single feature or nuance. A client wanted to be able to export Quotes to Excel so they could import them into their Accounting system. No problem. When in a quote, click on Tools - Export to Microsoft Excel. You can then pick which fields to pull into Excel. I chose them all just in case. Here's a couple of images of

Don't be a victim of Act! data loss

Recently, we have had several frantic calls from customers needing to restore contacts in Act! after a user has unwittingly deleted them. Unfortunately, in some cases, these clients haven't had a recent backup of their Act! Database to pull the deleted contacts from. Don't let this happen to you. Follow these guidelines to protect your Act! data: Limit user security to ONLY what the user NEEDS to do their job. It is a misconception that users need to be "administrators" in Act!. The

You can lead a horse to water...7 UI design tips for increasing user adoption

We’ve all heard the saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”  Maybe you can’t MAKE him drink, but... you can ENTICE him to drink. You can provide beautiful, convenient and tasty water so that he WANTS to drink.  Let’s apply this analogy to software UI (screen layout) design. Designing a user interface that is attractive, intuitive and efficient is key for user adoption and ultimately, imperative to the success of your software implementation

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827