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Getting creative with Act! Word Templates

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One of the features of Act! is the ability to create Word templates that can then be auto populated with fields from the act database.  The classic details pulled into the document are company name, contact name, addresses, etc. A tip we often show is adding last contact interaction information such as the last time the contact was called or had a meeting.  If you use the Act! calendar and clear out the activities, Act! automatically records that information as Last Reach (phone calls

Managing a Procrastinator or How to not be “put off” by those who tend to put things off

We have all known procrastinators or have been one at some point ourselves. Managing a procrastinator can be a frustrating and difficult situation. Let’s face it, procrastination not only affects our business but it affects our sanity. One of the obligations of a good manager is to mentor those we manage and help them achieve their project and career goals. There are ways to help a procrastinator from falling into those same destructive patterns. One way to help them is to find a way to help

3 easy strategies to protect your business and data

We all know that procrastination can get you into trouble. You can lose data if you don’t backup your computer/database, you can lose a customer if you don’t follow-up when you said you would, and you sure don’t want to be at a meeting at the wrong place on the wrong day or time. So what can you do? Act! to the rescue! Use the Act! Calendar and Task List Have you ever gotten to the office and thought, “I know there was someone I was supposed to call” but you cannot remember who it was

When it's okay to procrastinate

We all know that procrastination is generally a bad practice, but there are times when it can work in your favor.  First case in point...sometimes we feel that “keeping our nose to the grindstone” on a particularly challenging or creative task is the best way to accomplish it. However, psychologists have shown that taking some time away and doing a completely different type of task can allow your subconscious to find links between disparate concepts, thus when you return to your

5 tips to help manage procrastination

Last week was National Procrastination Week so it inspired a theme for some of the articles in our monthly newsletter (which ironically is one week late.) That is just dripping in irony. For years, I have been a proponent of time management and organization. But I can and do procrastinate when there is something I simply don’t want to handle. Whether it’s that grumpy customer or an employee issue, the situation isn’t going away. It’s best to deal with it head on. The hard things you

Is it legal to monitor employee emails?

[caption id="attachment_4711" align="alignright" width="300"] Is it legal to monitor employee emails.[/caption] Last week I got an interesting email from a client regarding the legality of monitoring and reading employee emails. There were some internal issues that were causing concern and they wanted to know what tools to use and how to go about implementing the process. Before looking into tools, I wanted to ensure that it was legal at all. The answers I found turned out to be a bit more

Act! v19 Key Features

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Act! v19 has been released and we are currently rolling it out to customers. With each new release, Act! keeps fixing outstanding issues or requirements from customer feedback. In addition, it is improving and modernizing the application to fit the current environment. One of the most exciting aspects of the recent releases is the WebAPI. It has put in place a rich infrastructure to allow Act! to interact and communicate with other applications, such as Quickbooks online, EventBrite, Paypal and

PEC acquires Kristi Smith Consulting

Chattanooga, TN – January 25, 2017 – Patricia Egen Consulting, a provider of business consulting services, located in Chattanooga TN, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Kristi Smith Consulting, located in Lincolnshire, IL. This acquisition strengthens our reach into the Midwest as well as bringing to our group a custom vertical CRM database designed for Physician Recruiters and Liaisons. Kristi, a highly respected and talented consultant, will continue on in a sales and strategic

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827