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Clearing and resetting the ACT and Google Contact integration

Over the past year or two I have had a love/hate relationship with my Motorola Android phone.  It has a memory leak and without rooting the phone I can't clean out that bad file.  So, I keep resetting it to factory mode and reloading my contacts. Recently I started using the ACT and Google integration which works really well.  However, there is a rather obscure method to resetting the contacts.  Since my phone is so grumpy about memory, I decided to scale back the number of

Not seeing the forest for the trees

Everyone we talk to recently is still lamenting about how bad the economy is and how hard they are struggling to get in new business.  We are in the same boat.  So, it is important to us to do everything we can to get in new leads and quickly react to them.  In addition, we and our clients are looking for ways to drive more people to our website.  It would be great to have a way to leverage both needs. Recently I attended a conference listening to awesome people with amazing

When is a lead truly dead?

Well, once again my muse has come up with a great blog article topic.  I’ve been tweeting about not deadheading my cone flowers.  Turns out they are an excellent thistle seed source for Gold Finch.  Last week there had to be 50 or more of the lovely birds in my garden feasting on the dead blossoms.  In this case, there was a benefit to not dead heading or “throwing away” what appears to be something of no use. My muse, who is @kimjosephs on Twitter said “Oh, does the

What's new in Sage ACT 2013

What's New in Sage ACT! 2013 ACT! is 25 years old.  That's 25 years of serving the Contact and Customer Management needs for small businesses and sales teams.  The new version has fixed several outstanding minor bugs and issues, but to us the most important feature is the ability to run Smart Tasks on a schedule, offline, on a server.  This is HUGE. It means you can now automate a variety of functions and put staff doing more productive things like selling your product.  

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827