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What am I doing this week? Quick lookups with ACT

Traveling for pleasure is an adventure - traveling for work, well, not always as much of an adventure.  I don't keep a  paper calendar anymore.  It's all on the computer or on my smart phone.  Yet, when I head out on a several day trip, I like to keep a paper copy of my details.  When you are on the road and once again either the GPS or your mapping program on the phone has steered you to a dead end, it is nice to have addresses near by.  Even more so it's good to

Business Improvement - it's a process not a tool

Yet again, I met with a new client to discuss their current business "problem" or like I call them - "challenge."  The client called me looking for a silver bullet or tool.  By the end of the discussion, I believe I had them headed down the right path - that of better defining the process and problem and coming up with an appropriate solution that may or may not be based on a specific tool. This happens all the time.  That made me realize it would make a good blog article.  

Multi-tasking - a juggling feat or searching for the final frontier?

Recently, I had a very interesting but somewhat unpopular conversation with my staff.  The  topic was  multi-tasking - or in this case, the inability to do so.  It turns out this is hard to do in our ever changing world.  There are constant interruptions and distractions that make it a challenge to keep on track.  In this case,  I wasn't asking for them to build me a space ship to go out in search of the final frontier.  We all just needed to step it up a

Love love love Google Hangouts

This image is a screenshot of all of us during a video staff meeting. We're using Google Hangouts and headsets.  All of us have webcams - which pretty much come with newer laptops. Seeing each other in person is SO MUCH MORE effective than just participating on a phone call. The participants are in Chattanooga, Pikeville and Phoenix - but in reality we are all together in the same moment - and that's priceless.  We may never go back to just phone call meetings.   [caption id="

Time to ACT!

Several years ago I wrote this blog article and after working with a client recently I figured it was time to post it again.  We went over exactly what was in the post and I thought that would be great to blog about. And I went, duh, I already did. Here it is. Time to ACT. What does that say to you? Time to do what you need to do? Now’s the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country? You get the idea. It means time to do what needs to be done. Ok, Let’s take it to

Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC

803 Creek Overlook, Chattanooga, TN 37415
Main office: 423-875-2652 • Arizona office: 480-788-7504 • Florida office: 754-300-2827